Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Now I know when you read that you thought I was decorating....but no. Not me. Mickle comes into the office today-
"Mom - where do you want my white table?"
I'm like "huh? I don't care (he has a bed, a litttle table, toy chest, and easle in his room)"
"Oh good- can I decorate my room???"
"Um sure- just no moving your bed" - trying to stiffle the giggle in my throat because of the serious expression on his face.

So for the past hour I've listened to things get pushed across the room, and recieved mini updates on his progress.
"Ok- so I put the white table in the closet" he says with an excited face and wildly guesturing hands. Then 30 minutes later he comes rushing in....
"Mom! so I put the toychest between the shelves (built in)(again wildly guesturing hands). "It works great! It just fits just soooo perfectly!"

LOL!!! It's moments like this that you smile and you just want to enjoy the life fire that burns in their eyes. The extreme excitement that can't even be expressed over a moved toychest! Hold onto them, and remember them on the days when they aren't as charming.....and have decided to boycott all your instructions for the day.