Friday, September 4, 2009

Giggling at last!

My dear Petal is such a gentle soul. She has be a study in contrast after our experiences raising Mickle. One of the greatest milestones is hearing your little one laugh with abandon. We've all be trying hard to hear that with Petal. She smiles like her soul is going to break free, and her face is going to split- but is normally silent. Although she does adore her nana, and the first substantial giggle came in her nana's arms as she was bounced up and down. Her loudest and longest to date- was actually at some friends house, and I caught the latter half on my phone camera.

Here's something to smile at!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am sick. No literally, I feel ill. I'm obsessive about cost. Really, really obsessive. I'll spend hours and hours researching the best price on something before I buy it. I hate the thought of wasting my monetary resources.

Which leads me to why I'm ill. We've been without any form of Microsoft office for at least a year now- seems sooo much longer, esp in light of having to work on projects for school. No outlook for e-mail and calendar management, no PowerPoint or Word for projects, ect ect. Every time I looked into it, spending several hundred dollars just was not even something I was willing to do. Which is why I was ecstatic when I found a website selling Office professional for a great deal(just one level below the "everything" version). Office Professional had pretty much everything we would need ( no "one note"- but I had never really gotten the hang of that program). On the Microsoft website office pro retails for $500. Are you kidding me??? $500???? I'm sure some places sell it less, it always works that way right? But there was no one I had seen that had a truly great deal. Until 2 days ago..... had the office professional for $99 !!!!! It required you be a student, and be able to prove such. Not a problem since I'm in culinary school. Well, after a quick glance around the internet, and not seeing it for less than $250 -anywhere.....I pressed the "purchase" button. I spent the next 2 days practically dancing around the house- thrilled to be getting my beloved programs back, and a deal to boot.

Back to being ill..... Got my office pro in the mail today. Waited until Allan got home to open it and start the installation process. After having some trouble getting it installed properly- I went to the Microsoft website for some assistance. And saw it......Office Ultimate (the everything version) for students......$59....(insert sobbing). Sooo frustrated right now. If I had seen that only 2 hours earlier I could have sent the office pro back. But, not now. Even though it's not installed on my computer, it's been opened. So I'm stuck with it......stuck with knowing that I spent $40 more for a product with less features.

I'm feeling sick......