Sunday, April 26, 2009

Updates on Petal

I've put off this blog update for long enough. For whatever reason, I'm really having trouble writing about this experience. I've struggled with how much to write about the experience, and how much to let it fade into the past. So bear with me.....

Well, after 13 days in the hospital, we are home. On one hand it was a nightmare, while on the other- a great situation where God's grace and peace was overwhelming.

Petal started running a temperature when she was one week old. We took her to the ER, where in an attempt to diagnose her, they proceeded to get urine, blood, and a spinal tap. Unfortunately, because she was so small, they weren't able to successfully get a spinal tap. They tried 8 different times, with 4 different doctors. During this time her fever dropped below what is considered an issue- but due to her age they encouraged us to admit her . It was an emotionally exhausting day. To watch my baby undergo that- over and over, was something no one should have to do, plus the stress of not knowing whether we should admit her to be safe, or if it all was really nothing more than just a mamma's concerns overblown.

Two days later, when the test came back, she was diagnosed with a blood infection, that traveled to her kidneys and also caused a UTI. We were told that we were lucky to have caught it so early, one day later- and it could have been a very dangerous situation for poor little Petal. Later in the week the doctors tried one more time to get a spinal tap, but were still unable to. She had developed a blood pocket in the location where they preform the tap, supposedly from so many attempts. We ended up staying for 13 days of iv antibiotics (3 days extra since they couldn't rule out meningitis due to unsuccessful spinal taps). The nurses were great, and very adoring of Petal. Thankfully, within a couple of days, Petal was feeling better. Even though she was feeling better, we had to stay so that she could receive the antibiotics by IV. She was so tiny that she had trouble whenever they tried to put an IV in. I was very grateful that she only had to have 4 within that time period. Each attempt took about an hour, and her little arms and feet would end up with bruises from blown vessels. I didn't know this, but a newborns stomach is so immature that it can't regulate the amount of antibiotics it absorbs if taken orally. One dose could be correct, and the next dose could pass through without anything being absorbed.

While there we were able to successfully rule out any issues with her kidneys, or her hearing (a risk due both to one of the antibiotics she was on, and due to the potential risk for meningitis).

The love and support we received while in the hospital, was quite honestly, overwhelming! We had people praying constantly, checking up on us regularly, and supplying us with food, snacks and entertainment. Our church brought up a HUGE box o goodies, crossword puzzles, cards, ect. In addition, my mom's group sent snacks, candy, entertainment, and more up to me. They also wrote the cutest poem to let me know they cared. I felt soo overwhelmingly cared for and supported. THANKS to everyone! We are sooo grateful to be home, and to be able to be together again as family!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Conversations with a 4 year old......

So I thought I might share some of the conversations I've enjoyed having with Mickle lately....

All grown up????

So Mickle was on the phone with his grandmother, when we had this conversation

"When the baby is born, I'm gonna be ALL grown up".

"Um, no Mickle- when the baby is born you'll still be a kid. A big boy- but not all grown up."

"No, when the baby is born- I'll be all grown up- just like daddy!"

"Nope, sweetheart, - you'll be a big boy- but you are still gonna be a kid- not all grown up"

"No mommy! When the baby is born, I'm gonna be all grown up- and a fire fighter! I'll be like daddy...........just shorter!"

LOL- the conversation went on for a while until he was finally convinced that the baby being born wouldn't affect his growth, and ranking status......or so we thought :-D

About a week later we had this conversation -

"So mom, when the baby is born- I'm gonna be grown up just like Uncle Jonathan!"

"No Mickle, you will still be just like you are. A big boy who still has to obey his mommy"

"But when the baby is born, I'm gonna be grown up like Uncle Jonathan and go to that (skateboard) park"

"No sweetheart- the baby being born makes you a big boy- but not grown up!"

(Again- the conversation went on for a while until he realized I wasn't gonna back down)

Discussed one Saturday morning over breakfast.......

"So mom, when the baby is born, I'm going to get her out of her crib and hold her just like this (cradles arms like he's holding a baby)"

"No SIR! You are not going to get the baby out of the crib! Only mommy and daddy do that!"

"No, mom (like I don't understand what he's saying), when the baby is born, I will go and sooo very carefully get her out of the crib and hold her just like this! (cradles arms again)"

"No Mickle! You are not to get the baby out of her crib! Mommy and Daddy do that"

"But mom, sometimes my baby will cry.....and she will want me to get her out of the crib.....and so very very careful, I will get her, and I will hold her just like this! (and again we cradle the arms)

"Mickle- sometimes the baby will cry, and it is ok- and ONLY mommy and daddy get her out of the crib. If you do- even if you hold her very carefully- you will get in trouble!"

He wasn't interested in continuing that conversation anymore!

Giving Spirit?

Shortly after he found out that he was gonna get a sibling- he announced that he wanted to give his favorite blanket "blue bubba" to the baby. As his parents we thought that was sweet, until his amended it about two weeks later. He came up to us and announce "the baby told me that it doesn't want my blue bubba. It told me it wants a different bubba!" LOL- we assured him that the baby would have it's own blanket, and he didn't need to worry about losing his blanket.

He another time announce that he wanted to give the baby his tricycle. He talked for a while about how the baby could have his tricycle, and how he was too big for it, and the baby would just love it. Then......he announce that since the baby was gonna have his tricycle- he would need a NEW bicycle!!!! LOL- that's some future planning and processing on his part!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mickle and Petal meet for the first time!

Within a couple hours of Petal's birth, Mickle came home to meet her. He was sooo excited to finally meet his baby sister! He had been asking daily for weeks when she was gonna come (and since she was almost 2 weeks late- mom and dad were doing the same!)

He came into the room a little nervous, but with a big grin on his face. He climbed up on my bed, and looked at me. "Mommy, your tummy is still really big! I think maybe there is another baby in there!" We assured him there wasn't another baby in there, and then introduced him to his sister. He was so cute. You could tell he was so proud of her. We got Mickle all situated on the bed so that he could hold Petal for the first time. We put her, all swaddled up, into his arms and he just grinned at her. Then he began to look a little worried. "Where are her legs??? Her legs! Where are her legs???" He started scrambling, and looking worried. We tried to explain that she had her legs. Mickle then reached over and touched my stomach. He freaked out saying "I feel baby parts! The baby's legs are still in you tummy!!!!" We explained to him that her legs were just swaddled, and that they were there under the blankets. He felt much relief when he unwrapped her legs and saw them.

SO relieved to see her legs!

Too Funny!

Petal's Arrival!!!

On March 24th 2009, we added to our family. We are now the proud parents (ok so we were her parent's before- but it's easier now- since she's out of the womb) to a sweet baby girl!

Birth Story:

I woke up about 3:00am with bad back pain. After trying to get comfortable - without success, I move to the couch and tried there. About 4:00 the pains got more intense, and I realized I was having contractions. I moved back to Petal's room and labored quietly until 5:00am. At this point realized that this show was for real, and went and woke my hubby up, and chatted with my mother on the phone. My mom clued into the fact that when I got up and walked around, my contractions would fade out and disappear. So I stayed in the glider back in Petal's room. In hindsight it's actually kinda funny. When I gave birth to Michael, I walked him into this world. Lots and Lots and Lots of walking to keep the contractions strong and close together. I really wanted have a labor experience where I could just sit, relax, and focus on breathing through contractions. Well, I got that with Petal!

My midwife was in the midst of some craziness that morning. She had two women in labor at her birth center at the same time that I was in labor at my house. My mom was there with me the whole time. I am so grateful for that!!!! She was able to check me and monitor my progress as I labored. My sisters were there, and my wonderful husband. I can't imagine giving birth without my mom and my husband there. Allan is so tender and attentive the whole time. His presence allows me to hold strong and keep going (lol not that I have a choice) My mom is such a wonderful birth attendant. Having her there gives me the peace to be able to relax. She instinctively knows where to rub, or how to help soften the pain. Thanks Mom and Allan!!!!

I was laboring in the bathtub in the master bathroom when my midwife arrived. She had sent her supplies and apprentice to the house several hours earlier. At last check I was 7-8 centimeters dilated. Shortly after she arrived I suddenly felt the need to push. My midwife and support team helped me out of the tub, but Petal was coming fast! Everyone scrambled to get the birth supplies into bathroom. We moved from the tub to the floor in the bathroom, and about 5 minutes later we welcomed Petal into the world! She was born at 12:47, and weighed 8lbs 12oz. She was 21 1/2 inches long, and to her mommy and daddy- just beautiful!

My mom had posted on facebook that I was in labor, and had given a couple of updates, including announcing Petal's delivery. Since her sex was a secret- mom wasn't announcing that, and there were several people very anxious to hear the news. My favorite comment was from a friend who demanded that "someone give that woman a laptop!!!"

My sisters were all there to welcome Petal into the world, and helped care for, clothe, weigh and measure her. I feel so blessed to have been able to have my family around me, creating such a peaceful enviroment, and a joyful home birth!

A year and a half!

How is this possible? I decided I needed to update my blog, and start writing again. I was flabbergasted to realize that it had been a year and a half since I had posted anything. How? It certainly hasn't felt that long! I've had plenty of good intentions to log on and keep things updated. I wanted a place to journal my thoughts, and the activities that fill my days. Mostly though- I wanted to be able to document the lives of my children as they grow and discover and bring laughter to our lives. I feel I've learned my lesson now. How quickly time flies by! No more long gaps in my blog. I'll forget all the little things that my children do that bring me laughter! I don't want to forget, I want my children to be able to go back and read those stories. So here's to the stories, the laughter, and the tears that make up a life, a home, a family!