Sunday, April 26, 2009

Updates on Petal

I've put off this blog update for long enough. For whatever reason, I'm really having trouble writing about this experience. I've struggled with how much to write about the experience, and how much to let it fade into the past. So bear with me.....

Well, after 13 days in the hospital, we are home. On one hand it was a nightmare, while on the other- a great situation where God's grace and peace was overwhelming.

Petal started running a temperature when she was one week old. We took her to the ER, where in an attempt to diagnose her, they proceeded to get urine, blood, and a spinal tap. Unfortunately, because she was so small, they weren't able to successfully get a spinal tap. They tried 8 different times, with 4 different doctors. During this time her fever dropped below what is considered an issue- but due to her age they encouraged us to admit her . It was an emotionally exhausting day. To watch my baby undergo that- over and over, was something no one should have to do, plus the stress of not knowing whether we should admit her to be safe, or if it all was really nothing more than just a mamma's concerns overblown.

Two days later, when the test came back, she was diagnosed with a blood infection, that traveled to her kidneys and also caused a UTI. We were told that we were lucky to have caught it so early, one day later- and it could have been a very dangerous situation for poor little Petal. Later in the week the doctors tried one more time to get a spinal tap, but were still unable to. She had developed a blood pocket in the location where they preform the tap, supposedly from so many attempts. We ended up staying for 13 days of iv antibiotics (3 days extra since they couldn't rule out meningitis due to unsuccessful spinal taps). The nurses were great, and very adoring of Petal. Thankfully, within a couple of days, Petal was feeling better. Even though she was feeling better, we had to stay so that she could receive the antibiotics by IV. She was so tiny that she had trouble whenever they tried to put an IV in. I was very grateful that she only had to have 4 within that time period. Each attempt took about an hour, and her little arms and feet would end up with bruises from blown vessels. I didn't know this, but a newborns stomach is so immature that it can't regulate the amount of antibiotics it absorbs if taken orally. One dose could be correct, and the next dose could pass through without anything being absorbed.

While there we were able to successfully rule out any issues with her kidneys, or her hearing (a risk due both to one of the antibiotics she was on, and due to the potential risk for meningitis).

The love and support we received while in the hospital, was quite honestly, overwhelming! We had people praying constantly, checking up on us regularly, and supplying us with food, snacks and entertainment. Our church brought up a HUGE box o goodies, crossword puzzles, cards, ect. In addition, my mom's group sent snacks, candy, entertainment, and more up to me. They also wrote the cutest poem to let me know they cared. I felt soo overwhelmingly cared for and supported. THANKS to everyone! We are sooo grateful to be home, and to be able to be together again as family!

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