Sunday, May 3, 2009


It has been raining, actually storming, no make that a torrential downpour. As in monsoon. As in "Honey do we have a canoe cause I need to go to the store!"

Really bad timing for my family, great for my garden (well - until today when I noticed mushrooms had popped up everywhere). My sister is getting married in 5 weeks (yeah!). She's having the ceremony and reception on my parent's property. They have been working to get the rest of the outside prepared, and the house repainted. All really difficult in light of the aforementioned weather!

Anyways, so yesterday, I made a batch of monster cookies with Mickle. Shortly after putting the second batch in the oven- we lost power. Mickle was already in was sooo late, but not asleep. He came out to inform us that the power was out. We were so grateful for his help, I'm sure you know- all parent's are dumb and ignorant, and we would have been clueless without his announcement. We let him know that we were aware, and it was ok, and sent him back to bed. Looking very worried, Mickle announced that he "could NOT sleep if the power was off!!!" His daddy and I found this quite funny- since he sleeps in a dark room without a nightlight. If I had him in bed just a little bit earlier, he probably never would have even known.
Allan and I stumbled around in the dark, trying to find a flashlight with some small amount of battery power left. There is something genetic, I am convinced, in little boys that draws them to all items battery powered and compels them to mess with it to the point of total battery drain!
We managed to find one flashlight- and then a lighter and lit some candles. After laying a towel down in the office- water was leaking down from the ac vent, and locating a bill- we called the power company. Upon entering information for our location, an automatic recording assured us that they were on top of it- and our power would be back on at 1:00am. Um No. Someone at the power company needs a watch. I should know- I have a 5 week old who likes snacking every 2 hours. Power finally came back on about 7:00am. Then about 7:30 the announcement rang out "Mom, Dad, the power is back on!" Thank you Mickle......what on earth would we do without your keen observations????

1 comment:

ann clary said...

How come you did not tell me about this wedding???
Is it Jackie, I assume?
You have to fill me in on these kinds of details.....