Thursday, August 23, 2007


So, I'm not really a writer. I'm much more of a talker, as in much much more. Ask my husband, mother, or better yet, my friend's husband(I keep her on the phone wayyy too much). Sometimes though, I have the desire to write. Just an outlet, a way to express emotion and capture events for all of eternity. Maybe it's some kind of prehistoric urge(ok- so they didn't write during the prehistoric era- so maybe a little after that), or more likely a brilliant excuse to avoid closing my eyes and going to sleep at a descent time. Whatever the reason- I've started this blog. For now- this is for me.....yes just me. Who knows, I might share it in the future, or maybe someone will stumble upon it and roll their eyes at the ramblings of a lunatic (also known as mother of a 2yr old), in the meantime- no friends or family.

Little background: I'm 26, live outside of Dallas Texas, and like long walks on the.....oh wait- wrong topic.... I have been happily married (no really, happily - crazy huh?) for 4 years now, and have a precocious 2 year old little boy. Ok- so that's enough for now- everything else you can find out later. I hear my little guy up again- and after all, why not? It's only 3:30 in the morning!

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