Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Dad's Day~

I will admit. I'm one of the lucky few. One of the lucky few who has a great daddy, and an amazing daddy for my kids. In a society that devalues the role of the father, I'm eternally grateful for the strong men who walk out the patience, love and perseverance that it takes to be a father.
In honor of today I'm going to show of some photos and videos of my hubby! What a great example of Heavenly Father he is to our children!

Making their first snowman!


Checking the soccer scores!!!!

The all important NAP!

Go Cart Racing!!!

It's easy to take you for granted dad! Thanks so much for being there, and making an unforgettable impression on your kids!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awe...that is so sweet! I love seeing the pics! You are blessed!!