Thursday, April 9, 2009

Petal's Arrival!!!

On March 24th 2009, we added to our family. We are now the proud parents (ok so we were her parent's before- but it's easier now- since she's out of the womb) to a sweet baby girl!

Birth Story:

I woke up about 3:00am with bad back pain. After trying to get comfortable - without success, I move to the couch and tried there. About 4:00 the pains got more intense, and I realized I was having contractions. I moved back to Petal's room and labored quietly until 5:00am. At this point realized that this show was for real, and went and woke my hubby up, and chatted with my mother on the phone. My mom clued into the fact that when I got up and walked around, my contractions would fade out and disappear. So I stayed in the glider back in Petal's room. In hindsight it's actually kinda funny. When I gave birth to Michael, I walked him into this world. Lots and Lots and Lots of walking to keep the contractions strong and close together. I really wanted have a labor experience where I could just sit, relax, and focus on breathing through contractions. Well, I got that with Petal!

My midwife was in the midst of some craziness that morning. She had two women in labor at her birth center at the same time that I was in labor at my house. My mom was there with me the whole time. I am so grateful for that!!!! She was able to check me and monitor my progress as I labored. My sisters were there, and my wonderful husband. I can't imagine giving birth without my mom and my husband there. Allan is so tender and attentive the whole time. His presence allows me to hold strong and keep going (lol not that I have a choice) My mom is such a wonderful birth attendant. Having her there gives me the peace to be able to relax. She instinctively knows where to rub, or how to help soften the pain. Thanks Mom and Allan!!!!

I was laboring in the bathtub in the master bathroom when my midwife arrived. She had sent her supplies and apprentice to the house several hours earlier. At last check I was 7-8 centimeters dilated. Shortly after she arrived I suddenly felt the need to push. My midwife and support team helped me out of the tub, but Petal was coming fast! Everyone scrambled to get the birth supplies into bathroom. We moved from the tub to the floor in the bathroom, and about 5 minutes later we welcomed Petal into the world! She was born at 12:47, and weighed 8lbs 12oz. She was 21 1/2 inches long, and to her mommy and daddy- just beautiful!

My mom had posted on facebook that I was in labor, and had given a couple of updates, including announcing Petal's delivery. Since her sex was a secret- mom wasn't announcing that, and there were several people very anxious to hear the news. My favorite comment was from a friend who demanded that "someone give that woman a laptop!!!"

My sisters were all there to welcome Petal into the world, and helped care for, clothe, weigh and measure her. I feel so blessed to have been able to have my family around me, creating such a peaceful enviroment, and a joyful home birth!

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